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Cash Flow Generator, Aggregator and Securitizer

BondCalc is the leading software pricing system in the traditional Private Placement field. It produces prices and full analytics on all fixed income securities and includes extensive support for: BondCalc's user base is split between the buy and sell sides. It is popular amongst bond traders. Other possible uses.


Program Structure:

The program is written in APL+DOS and runs under DOSBox on 64-bit Windows. A Windows version is being developed. Calculations and report formatting will be in APL, and will reside in an ActiveX server that Excel VBA will call. Data and parameters will be stored in Access. Program features are reached from a toolbar. See a full mockup of the screens and file structure.

If you have questions regarding the BONDCALC® program, or to buy the program, please contact:

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BondCalc Corporation
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Landline: (718) 499-9900

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