Matrix pricing can be run in both the single security and portfolio sections:
Each bond must be assigned at least one rating. By default it will use the primary rating field or the input on the portfolio input screen (which overrides the security input). The rating must be a member of the scale that is designated on Alt-R twice when inside the security. By default it can be either be S&P or Moody's. BondCalc has eight rating fields and on Alt-R twice one can designate which are to be used when matrix pricing and how they are weighted.
Each bond must also be assigned the name of an existing spread matrix in the "Class" input field (follows primary rating field) unless the rating is GOVT which assumes that there is no spread over the Trasury curve.
Non-current Coupon Adjustment - If pricing using security's worst flows
you still can adjust for issues at a discount (i.e. with a coupon lower
than current market conditions) as their value would not necessarily be
the same as an issue with a current coupon. (At the current time they
are worth a premium to market as they are assumed to remain outstanding
to maturity.) The Treasury base plus the spread from the above matrix
will be used as the current coupon. The first row is the difference
(in %) the issue's coupon is away. You have a choice of two methods
for the second row:
0 - Percent Change will change the base by the % entered,
1 - Additive will add basis points interpolated from this row.
If negative entered it will reduce the yield.