BondCalc's Backsolvable Variables for Single Securities

By backsolving, you enter the value for one of the below, and BondCalc will find the price, and all other values.
  1. Price
  2. OAS Spread
  3. Option Free Yield
  4. Option Free Spread
  5. Average Life Yield
  6. Average Life Spread
  7. OAS Spread + Double
  8. Option Free Yield + Double
  9. Option Free Spread + Double
  10. Horizon
  11. Horizon + Double
  12. From Purchase
  13. From Purchase (After Tax)
  14. Native Yield
  15. Native Yield (After Tax)
  16. Brady Stripped Yield
  17. Brady Stripped Spread
  18. Simple Interest/Discount Rate
  19. Return with Reserve Bond
  20. Make-Whole Yield Convention
  21. Display Frequency Yield in 30/360 For All
  22. Discount Rate
  23. Interest Bearing Rate
  24. CD Equivalent Rate
  25. Bond Equivalent Rate
  26. Current Yield
  27. Spread For Life
  28. Effective Margin
  29. Adjusted Total Margin
  30. Yield-to-Maturity Spread
  31. ESOP Yield with Grossed Up Coupon
  32. ESOP Spread with Grossed Up Coupon
  33. Prepay Rate
  34. Prepay Spread
  35. Prepay Yield
  36. Discounted Margin
  37. "Net" Price